Troponin I 肌鈣蛋白I (TnI)抗體 | 貨號 |
Troponin I Monoclonal Antibody | MAB283P |
Troponin I (13-22) Antibody,Matched Pair:HM197 (detection) | HM200 |
Troponin I (24-40) Antibody,Matched Pair:HM412 (detection) | HM413 |
Troponin I (24-40) Antibody,Matched Pair:HM456 or HM234 (detection) | HM233 |
Troponin I (27-40) Antibody,Matched Pair:HM897 and HM898 (capture) | HM896 |
Troponin I (41-49) Antibody,Matched Pair:HM198 (detection) | HM192 |
Troponin I (41-49) Antibody,Matched Pair:HM206, HM413 or HM414 (capture) | HM412 |
Troponin I (41-49) Antibody,Matched Pair:HM898 (capture) and HM896 (detection) | HM897 |
Troponin I (41-60) Antibody,Matched Pair:HM233 (capture) | HM456 |
Troponin I (83-93) Antibody,Matched Pair:HM192 (capture) | HM198 |
Troponin I (83-95) Antibody,Matched Pair:HM412 or HM413 (detection) | HM414 |
Troponin I (85-92) Antibody,Matched Pair:HM897 (capture) and HM896 (detection) | HM898 |
Anti-h cTnI 9705 SPTN-1 | 100125 |
Anti-h cTnI 9701 SPRN-5 | 100129 |
Anti-h cTnI 9707 SPTN-5 | 100180 |
Anti-h cTnI 9703 SPTN-5 | 100181 |
Anti-h cTnI RC9701 SPTN-5 | 140000 |
Anti-h cTnI RC9707 SPTN-5 | 140020 |
Anti-h cTnI RC9750 SPTN-5 | 700050 |
希凱生物是BBI Solutions、Medix Biochemica、Lee BioSolutions、Eastcoast Bio、Diaclone、Aalto Bio授權代理商